Exchange of experience
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The visitors were interested in the history of the industrial park's creation, its level of readiness, and the strategy for attracting investment and further development. Thus, they could see that Kalush Industrial HUB has significant competitive advantages today:
- large areas of already rehabilitated premises with all the necessary infrastructure
- readiness to restore about 30 thousand square meters of space in a short time for a specific resident
- availability of a full-fledged unit that deals with restoration...
«For a resident who does not want to waste time, we will really be valuable. And it can be either Ukrainian production or the involvement of a foreign partner who is probably looking for an entry into the Ukrainian market right now,» said Anatoliy Chumychkin, the group's founder.
«In fact, there is no better place in Ivano-Frankivsk region for production projects than Kalush, said Dmytro Romaniuk, Chairman of the Board of BAIF. “The production and industrial culture is concentrated here in the best possible way».
In general, during the presentation and a tour of the industrial park, the participants discussed many topical issues related to doing business and attracting investment to Ukraine, exchanged valuable contacts and ideas for implementing ambitious projects.
We thank BAIF for creating the conditions for knowledge.

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